Do You Have to Identity Yourself to a Law Enforcement Officer?

In this video I explain whether you need to identity yourself to a law enforcement officer in Wisconsin. If you are viewing this video and you live outside Wisconsin, I recommend you contact a local criminal defense attorney for specific information about your jurisdiction.

As always, I welcome you to have me to tell you exactly and precisely what I would do in your situation. If, after watching this video, you are looking to work with an attorney who believes in doing things right, having full accountability, and backing it up with action that actually gets results, give me a call. There is no cost or obligation associated with our initial consultation.

To take advantage of your free consultation you can either call me at (608) 282-6200 or email me at

Lastly, I want your experience with Lawton & Cates to be a positive one, even if we never speak or meet in person. I wrote an eBook titled Oh Sh*t!: How to Obtain the Best Possible Outcome to Your Criminal Case, which is designed to help you get closer to your best possible case outcome. The book gives an in-depth explanation of the criminal case process and contains some of my most common recommendations.

There is no cost or obligation for receiving or keeping this eBook. If my book helps just one person see light at the end of the tunnel then my time and effort has been well spent. If you would like to receive a copy of the eBook simply email me at: and put criminal eBook in the subject line.