Category: Distracted Driving

A recent series of serious car accidents in our area illustrates the fact that traffic accidents, fatalities, and injuries are an increasing problem everywhere. Most recently in Madison, a 72-year-old bicyclist was killed when he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle. Traffic fatalities are up substantially in Dane County. In 2021, there was a […]
We all know that texting while driving is dangerous, but teen drivers still do it at an alarming rate. Some studies show as many as 46% of teens admitted to texting while driving. 97% of these same teens agreed that texting and driving is dangerous. A person texting while driving has her eyes off the road […]
“It Can Wait” is AT&T’s new campaign against texting and driving. The campaign is designed to create a new way for people to pause texting conversations without ignoring their messages. When you are about to drive, you text #x to the other person to let them know that the conversation is now on pause and […]
This is National Teen Driver Safety Week. It is a great time for parents to review traffic safety with your teen, even if they haven’t started driving yet. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic crashes are a leading cause of death for teens 15 to 18 years old. In 2017, 755 teen drivers died […]
The dangers of texting and driving are slowly working their way into our national consciousness. There are too many tragic stories of people sending a routine text and having “be home soon” or “k” be their last words. Texting and driving accounted for 6,000 deaths last year according to the U.S. DOT. Texting and driving was the cause […]
Federal officials recently reported a steep increase in roadway deaths throughout the nation in 2015. We suspect that distracted driving is one factor in this increase. This month we urge all our friends and family to help end distracted driving. According to AAA, Americans drive the fewest miles during the winter months. Once April rolls […]
Traffic deaths are up 6 percent since 2010, pushing U.S. road fatalities to the highest level in a decade. However, the percentage increase in pedestrian deaths is far outpacing those on the road, jumping 25 percent from 2010 to 2015. Walkers on smartphones, bicyclists ignoring traffic rules – coupled with distracted driving – are a […]
In this video I explain your rights when interacting with the police during the context of a traffic stop. Part 3 of this short series will focus on police citizen encounters in the context of your residence. Your rights, and the prohibition against unreasonable government searches and seizures arises from the Fourth Amendment to […]