Heroes Step Up to Protect the Safety, Rights of All Americans

Here are four remarkable stories of people who courageously took on long odds to make a difference in protecting the safety and legal rights of all Americans. Take a look and use the survey link below to tell us which story impacts you the most.

Motivated by a passion to help others, our nominees for the 2016 Justice Served Awards have stepped up to make America a safer, more just nation:

  • Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a young pediatrician, put the welfare of children ahead of politics in Flint, Mich.
  • U.S. Senator Al Franken advocates for every American’s right to a day in court as a leader in the fight against forced arbitration.
  • Daniel Carder and his research team at West Virginia University proved to the world that Volkswagen lied to customers while causing irreparable ecological damage.
  • Tina Meier travels the country to fight cyberbullying after her daughter Megan committed suicide.
Author: LawtonCates

At LawtonCates, we take fighting for accident victims very seriously. It’s how we’ve always done it for six-plus decades as a reputable South Central Wisconsin law practice. Our lawyers are passionate about helping people get back on their feet because we know their health, livelihood, and future are at stake.